Products & Services


The Jumpstart program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place to get you jumpstarted, i.e. well on your way, into making this happen for you.

The Jumpstart program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place to get you jumpstarted, i.e. well on your way, into making this happen for you.

BIG Results
The BIG Results program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place. It will also allow enough time not only for you to solidify habits that are creating results but also for your body to have adequate time to respond to those now consistently healthier thinking, eating, and activity patterns. Depending upon your unique starting place and life circumstances, you will either be living at or near your healthiest self, or you will have made significant progress toward it!

BIG Results/Monthly
The BIG Results program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place. It will also allow enough time not only for you to solidify habits that are creating results but also for your body to have adequate time to respond to those now consistently healthier thinking, eating, and activity patterns. Depending upon your unique starting place and life circumstances, you will either be living at or near your healthiest self, or you will have made significant progress toward it!

Total Transformtion
The Total Transformation program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place. It will also allow enough time not only for you to solidify habits that are creating results but also for your body to have adequate time to respond to those now consistently healthier thinking, eating, and activity patterns. Depending upon your unique starting place and life circumstances, you will either be living at or near your healthiest self, or you will have made significant progress toward it! The Total Transformation program is a very good fit for someone who has had a long term, repeated history of "diets" and perceived "diet failures". It would also be the ideal program for someone who has 50 or more pounds to lose because changing and establishing new ways of being and doing in relation to self care for someone who has experienced years of difficulty in this arena takes time and practice.

Jumpstart (GF)
The Jumpstart program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place to get you jumpstarted, i.e. well on your way, into making this happen for you.

Jumpstart/Monthly (GF)
The Jumpstart program process will have you become crystal clear about why getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a high priority and ensure that you put critical control strategies and habits into place to get you jumpstarted, i.e. well on your way, into making this happen for you.

Group Workout Sessions
Twice weekly workouts, 55 minutes, scheduled monthly to incorporate strength, cardio, flexibility, and balance training.

Jumpstart PT
This program is designed to jumpstart your workout program starting from wherever you are to get you going consistently on your exercise and activity. We'll do this by meeting twice a week for 30 minutes per session, in person or virtually, and working on your balance, mobility, strength, and flexibility as is appropriate specifically for you.

Courage, Risks and Rewards Coaching Program
In this coaching program, you will explore 5 key areas that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards. You will examine the concept of risk and break it down into specific, manageable steps. And you will look at risk from different perspectives and explore how the rewards for taking chances far outweigh the costs. This training will open new doors to exciting opportunities!

Yoga Sessions (1/week)
Gentle Yoga flow, Vinyasa style, with a focus on flexibility and balance

Step by Step Individual Sessions
Guidance, support, education, accountability, and consistent feedback to insure your weight loss and weight loss maintenance success. Partner with Millie to get everything* you need to insure that you stay in the game of getting healthier and fitter so you look and feel great in your jeans!
*Exercise/activity training and guidance included if that piece is missing for you.